About ORACLE Learnerships
If you are graduates or students who are looking for working experience especially in the technology field. The Oracle company is your right place to expand your career experience. In fact, our company also offers job vacancy for students whether for a full-time job or summer intern position. But, before we are going further, you should learn the information about Oracle company and Oracle learnerships career. So, let you get to know who we are! Oracle is a wide world provider of cloud computing in order to empower business of all sizes in the digital transformation. Our Oracle Cloud offers leading-edge abilities in software a service, infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, etc.
Our company helps the customers advanced and develop their strategic roadmaps and journey to the cloud platform form new cloud position, legacy environments, and hybrid execution. The integrated approach which is offered by the Oracle makes the company easy to get started the cloud in order to expand the business development. We already have 4300.000 customers in 175 countries and still counting. They use the Oracle’s cloud services in order to develop their business opportunities and we help to support the customers in the digital journey by financing support, training services, as well as consulting.
Learnerships internship opportunity makes your way to aim your dream one step closer for the experience that you get within the program. The good news is, those potential applicants get easy access for the information of the graduate/internship opportunity that they prefer, since each year, different organization either private or government invite suitable applicants with numbers of graduate/internship programs to apply. One of those, there is Oracle graduate/internship opportunity. But for your information, there are requirements you should follow, and if you can’t meet its expectation, you have zero chance for the graduate/internship program.
Started from the least requirement for the Oracle Learnerships internship program, then you must be a newly graduate. You should also posses National Diploma/Bachelor’s Degree within Accounting, Finance, IT, Marketing or Business and its pertinent areas. And for the last one, you should have at least 2 years for working experience. Not only those, there are another things that you should have if you expect to claim your place for the graduate/internship at Oracle. Aside from stunning qualifications result, making sure that you have bold communication skills that relates not only something verbal, but also written.
Additionally, our company is open to everyone who wants to be the part of our team including those who are studying. We provide Oracle career opportunities for students either for full-time jobs or summer intern position. You will find many intern opportunities here and our company also believe that college recruitment is a new way to obtain a fresh thinking with great minds. With the internship program, you will get so many priceless experiences how the life of Oracle as the leading global software and hardware system provider. Besides, your contribution to the Oracle will improve and innovate the Oracle products and services. And, maybe your ideas is a new innovation or an invention of the new features. And, when you are finished with your Oracle career internship program, you will be connected with a wide and powerful network of developer, executors, and managers for your future career.
In addition, we try to give various benefits for Oracles interns. So, here are the benefits offered by the company for college recruitment: great compensation, full-paid housing/apartment, full-paid car/bike rentals, full-paid travel allowance, wide career networking, and invaluable Oracle’s internship experience. According to benefits that we offered for the internship program, our company has been receiving many of internship resumes each year. And, we currently review on the candidate who is attending in the reputable United of States universities with study fields including computer engineering, computer sciences, electrical engineering, or any related majors. You can apply online in here: APPLY ORACLE INTERNSHIP
Few candidates who meet with our specific qualification will be shortlisted. In this case, you as the future candidate, we have information in order to increase a chance of the acceptance. For bigger opportunity, these things should be considered in your resumes. First, you should email your resume to our Human Resources Department email, interns_us@oracle.com. You should attach your resume as Word document or paste the content into your email. Do not send your resume to another resume link for full-time job applicants. For the summer internship position, you should apply as early as possible. You need to keep in mind that we start reviewing the resume for the summer internship in the fall. So, what are the things you should have your consideration for best opportunity in Oracle internship? We would be happy to hear that you are interested to apply to Oracle careers internship program.