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    CAO Prospectus 2024-2025 | PDF Download

    Central Applications Office (CAO) Prospectus 2024-2025

    We are pleased to inform you about CAO Prospectus 2024-2025

    The CAO Prospectus is a document sent to potential (prospective) students to attract them to apply for admission. It usually contains information about the institution and the available courses, including advice on how to apply and the benefits of accepting a place. Many universities have an individual prospectus for each course or group of courses that they offer.

    The prospectus usually contains information on the individual courses, the staff (professors), notable alumni, the campus, special facilities (like performance halls for music schools or acting stages for drama schools), how to get in contact with the university, and how to get to the university.

    CAO Prospectus contains the list of courses,  admission guide, admission requirements and all admission application information to guide you through the CAO admission process.

    The CAO Prospectus 2021 is what you need to ascertain any admission or application information of the institution. The Prospectus contains all the information a prospective student needs to become a fully admitted student of the university.

    Download CAO Prospectus PDF.

    The Central Applications Office Prospectus has been successfully uploaded online and can be downloaded below for free.

    The CAO Prospectus can be downloaded and printed or accessed online in PDF format via the school’s official website:

    For more information and inquiries, you can contact the CAO by visiting the institution’s official website.

    CAO Member Institutions 2024 with University of Zululand

    Official Central Applications Office(CAO) Member Institutions 2024 with the University of Zululand

    We are pleased to inform you about the Central Applications Office(CAO) Member Institutions 2024 with the University of Zululand

    University of Zululand



    Postal Address:

    Private Bag X1001, KwaDlangezwa, 3886



    KwaDlangezwa Campus:

    035 902 6178 / 6030 / 6051

    Richards Bay Campus:

    Tel 035 902 6923 / 6950

    Student Guidance Centre:

    Tel 035 902 6734 Fax 035 902 6338

    Financial Aid Bereau:

    Tel 035 902 6305 / 6307 Fax 035 902 6310



    The leading organization that provides services in the facilitation of student access to post-schooling education.


    To direct the activities and processes of the CAO by the operationalization of its service to ensure:

    CAO Phone Numbers

    • Call Centre: 031 268 4444
    • Share Call: 086 0860 CAO / 086 0860 226
    • Fax Number: 086 622 8828
    • If faxing from outside South Africa use +27 31 268 4422

    CAO Physical Address

    • Gate 11, Central Services Complex – UKZN
    • Mary Thiphe Street (Cato Manor Road)
    • Cato Manor
    • Durban

    CAO Postal Address

    • Private Bag X06
    • Delbridge
    • 4014

    CAO email



    CAO Change of Mind Form 2024-2025 | Late Application

    CAO Change of Mind Form 2024-2025 | Late Application | Form, Requirements & Dates

    We are pleased to inform you about CAO Change of Mind Form 2024-2025 | Late Application

    The price of the Central Applications Office’s change of mind request form, the late application process, the cost of submitting the form in Grid A and B, and the request to extend my application for the years are all fully described here.

    This is to let all applicants know that they can now edit both Grid A and Grid B on the CAO website if they made mistakes when filling out their forms for the 2023 Online Application/Registration.

    CAO Late Application Form

    CAO, its Administration departments, staff, or any affiliated persons who provide information to the institutions, public, and or prospective students, provides such information, whether written or oral, in good faith.

    In the event that the public and/or prospective student, act upon such information to their detriment, CAO shall not be held liable for any loss, harm, or damage (direct, consequential or special), or expense of any nature whatsoever, which may be suffered as a result of reliance on such information, the interpretation thereof or any references made thereto.

    CAO, to the best of its ability, attempts to ensure that the information provided is both true and correct, free from error, omission, or misrepresentation, however, does not warrant the aforesaid expressly or implied.

    Recommended: CAO Handbook | PDF Download

    This form is used when you want to:

    1. Change one or more programs choices you previously submitted

    2. Change the rank order of your choices, e.g. from number 4 to number 1

    3. Add a program to your list of choices to a maximum of 6 program choices

    4. Extend your current application to the following year. When extending your application to the following year you may change program choices.

    The cost is R135 to do any one of the above. Pay through EasyPay. Use the same EasyPay number that you used when you paid for your application, OR pay by card at our office. If you have forgotten your EasyPay number you may call our Call Centre provided below.

    Please Note

    • Check your application status on at “My Application” BEFORE you complete this form.
    • These requests will only be processed once the COM fee of R135 has been received.
    • The submission cost of this form is R135 irrespective of the number of changes in Grid B.

    Completed forms may be emailed to OR posted to Central Applications Office, Private Bag X06, Dalbridge, 4014 OR hand-delivered to our office at Gate 11, Mary Thiphe Street, Cato Manor, Durban. Our Call Centre Number is 031 268 4444.

    Read Also: Central Applications Office (CAO) Prospectus – Download PDF

    Note: If you have questions or corrections regarding this post, kindly use the comment box below.