Central Applications Office(CAO) CAO Calendar/Important Dates 2025-2026 | www.cao.ac.za
We(zainfo.co.za team) are pleased to inform you about Central Applications Office(CAO) CAO Calendar/Important Dates 2025-2026
CAO Important Dates
01 New Year’s Day
01 Applications for first semester entry open and on-time administration fee of R250.00 is
20 End of first school term
21 Human Rights Day
31 Last day for applicants to extend their 2020 first semester applications to 2020 second semester and/or 2021 1st semester
Start of second school term
April 2020
10 Good Friday
13 Family Day
27 Freedom Day
30 DUT: 2020 second semester programmes close
May 2020
01 Worker’s Day
31 Last day for on-time administration fee of R250.00 for 2020 second semester applications
MUT: 2020 second semester programmes close
June 2020
01 Late administration fee of R470.00 for 2020 second semester application now applies
12 End of second school term
16 Youth Day
30 UKZN: B Medicine & B Surgery closes
July 2020
07 Start of third school term
August 2020
01 Applications for 2021 second semester entry opens and on-time administration fee of R250.00 is payable
09 National Women’s Day
10 Public Holiday
15 DUT: M Tech Chiropractic
29 DUT: B Health Sciences: Clinical Technology closes
DUT: B Health Sciences: Medical Laboratory Sciences closes
30 DUT: B Health Science Radiography programmes close
DUT: B Health Sciences Homeopathy closes
DUT: B Child and Youth Care closes
DUT: B Health Sciences: Environmental Health closes
31 DUT: B Health Sciences Medical Orthotics and Prosthetics closes
DUT: B Health Sciences: Emergency Medical Care closes
September 2020
18 End of third school term
20 DUT: B Health Sciences: Dental Technology closes
22 DUT: Diploma in Somatology closes
24 Heritage Day
29 Start of fourth school term
30 DUT: All remaining programmes close
MUT: All programmes close
UKZN: All remaining programmes close
UNIZULU: All Faculty of Education programmes close
October 2020
31 Last day for on-time administration fee of R250.00 for 2021 first semester applications
UNIZULU: All remaining programmes close
November 2020
01 Late administration fee of R470.00 now applies for 2021 first semester applications
December 2020
02 End of fourth school term
16 Day of Reconciliation
25 Christmas Day
26 Day of Goodwill
January 2021
01 New Year’s Day
13 Start of first school term

The leading organisation that provides services in the facilitation of student access to post-schooling education.
To direct the activities and processes of the CAO by the operationalisation of its service to ensure:
- Appropriate resourcing to provide the structural stability of the required capacity to deal with growth requirements;
- The provision of a policy framework to guide protocols, processes and consistent practices;
- The development and maintenance of advanced human capacity for the knowledge sector to sustain and grow its customer base;
- The building of an effective communication culture with current and prospective customers, while ensuring the same culture exists in the internal team; and
- The leveraging of existing partnerships to build future relationships to support the growth of the business.
The Central Applications Office is intent on strengthening its customers by providing a valuable service, support and knowledge that is underpinned by shared values. These values serve as a framework for all its activities and processes.
Therefore, as the CAO, we pledge ourselves to:
- Provide the highest ethical standards of service;
- Be professional, empathetic and sensitive to customer needs and challenges
- Promote a strong team synergy, mutual support and a friendly atmosphere to work in;
- Be accessible and resource-driven to meet our customers needs;
- Facilitate correct information dissemination to our customers, thereby assisting learners to make correct decisions about their careers;
- Ensure good governance through management support and inclusive participation, accountability and responsiveness to our customer’s needs;
- Acknowledge the input and relationship with key partnerships in driving the success of post-schooling education; and
- Instil a climate of passionate employees and encourage internal growth and development among all employees
CAO Phone Numbers
- Call Centre: 031 268 4444
- Share Call: 086 0860 CAO / 086 0860 226
- Fax Number: 086 622 8828
- If faxing from outside South Africa use +27 31 268 4422
CAO Physical Address
- Gate 11, Central Services Complex – UKZN
- Mary Thiphe Street (Cato Manor Road)
- Cato Manor
- Durban
CAO Postal Address
- Private Bag X06
- Dalbridge
- 4014
CAO email
Very Hot:
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