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    WAEC Ghana Results 2023-2024 I Waecdirect.org


    Official WAEC Ghana Results Checker 2023-2024

    We(zainfo.co.za team) are pleased to inform you about WAEC Ghana Results Checker 2023-2024 | Waecdirect.org

    WAEC Ghana. The West African Examinations Council, Ghana is responsible for conducting various public exams in Ghana and also awards certificates, provided that the certificates to the students. From Basic Education Certificate Examination up to West African Senior School Certificate Examination.

    Waec Results: The West African Examinations Council, a non-profit-making organization, with its headquarters in Accra, Ghana, was established in 1952. The council conducts four different categories of examinations in Ghana and West Africa (Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and the Gambia).

    • WASSCE (West African Senior School Certificate Examination).
    • BECE (Basic Education Certificate Examinations).
    • GBCE (Ghana General/Advanced Business Certificate Examinations).

    Waec Results 

    • West African Examinations Council i.e. WAEC Ghana will announce the upcoming exam results BECE and GBCE. WASSCE (West African Senior School Certificate Examination) Ghana results is already released in the month July 2020.
    • Waec Results for WASSCE (November/December) likely to be announced on December.
    • Waec Results for: WASSCE (May/June):  likely to be announced in July.

    Waec Results Nov. Dec Release date

    • The West African Examinations Council of Ghana will release the Waec Results November/December month examination between Dec 2020.

    BECE (Basic Education Certificate Examinations):

    • The Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) is the main examination that is used to give students admission into secondary or vocational schools in Ghana. It is written after three years of junior high school education. BECE is organized by the Ghana Education Service under the Ministry of Education.

    WASSCE (West African Senior School Certificate Examination):

    The West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) is a type of standardized test in West Africa. It is administered by the West African Examinations Council. It is only offered to candidates residing in Anglophone West African countries. The academic school-leaving qualification awarded upon successful completion of the exams is the West African Senior School Certificate (WASSCE).

    • WASSCE (November/December) – Also known as the General Certificate Examinations (GCE).
    • WASSCE (May/June) – Also known as the Senior School Certificate Examinations (SSCE)

    GBCE (Ghana General/Advanced Business Certificate Examinations):

    • The General Business Certificate Examination is available to both school and private candidates, ie. Candidates attending schools that prepare them for the examination and candidates who study privately towards the examination.

    Ghana.Waecdirect.org Result Checker:

    WAEC Ghana allows Ghana Students to check the result through the online system Ghana.Waecdirect.org. Online students of Ghana can check their exam results which is conducted by WAEC. Below is the step-by-step guide to “how to open waec result checker ghana”.

    • Step 1: Open an Internet Browser (like Google Chrome).
    • Step 2: in the address bar type ” Ghana.Waecdirect.org”.
      (this is a waec result checker ghana online portal)
    • Step 3: In the Main Menu Find “Result” Under it Clicks “Result Checker”.
    • Step 4: A Result Checker form will open
      Enter your examination information
    • Step 5: Enter Index Number:” ______”
    • Step 6: Select Examination Type from list:” ______”
    • Step 7: Select Examination Year: “2020”
    • Step 8: Enter Date Of Birth (WASSCE (PRIVATE) results only!)
      Enter your card security information
    • Step 9: Enter the Card Serial Number found on the reverse side of your Scratch card.
    • Step 10: Enter the 12-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) on your Scratch card eg. 012345678912.
      Confirm your examination information
    • Step 11: Enter Your Index Number:” _____”
    • Step 12: Select Examination Year: As:”2020″
    • Final Step: Click on Submit and wait for the display in the popup window. This may take several minutes.

    N.B: You can download/save the waec result for future reference.

    • In WAECDIRECT, it is a unique 12-digit number that is required to access the service.
    • A scratch card is a plastic card with a scratch patch on the reverse side that conceals a PIN required to access the WAECDIRECT service.
    • You may check your results up to a maximum of 3 (three) times, 1 unit for each use, with 1 (one) scratch card.
    • Get more details on https://ghana.waecdirect.org/faq.htm

    1. Result Checking: This allows the candidate to view their results online.
    2. Result Confirmation: This allows a candidate to request for their results to be sent to them by post.
    3. Result Verification: This allows candidate/organisation/institution to request that their results should be verified and the result of verification sent to them by post.

    If you have any questions, suggestions or corrections regarding this Post don’t hesitate to use the Comment Box we will respond ASAP.

    TVET National Exams Result 2023-2024 I www.wda.gov.rw


    Official TVET National Exams Result 2023-2024 |  www.wda.gov.rw

    We are pleased to inform you about TVET National Exams Result 2023-2024 | www.wda.gov.rw -read full details below

    The Workforce Development Authority (WDA) was created in 2009 to address the growing need for better, more, and more demand-driven technical and vocational training. The WDA focuses on TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training).

    www.wda.gov.rw Results

    At the end of these 3 years, students take O-Level national examinations which allows them to progress Upper Secondary public schools. Many also continue into the TVET system – Technical and Vocation Education and Training.

    • Workforce Development Authority (WDA) , Rwanda will release the TVET Exams Results in the month of February 2020.

    Qualifications are awarded in TVET schools

    Vocational Training Center

    Generic Qualification Title
    TVET Certificate I
    TVET Basic Vocational Skills Level
    TVET Foundation Level

    Technical Secondary School

    Generic Qualification Title
    Year 12 (Technical) School Qualification,TVET Certificate III
    TVET Certificate II
    TVET Certificate I
    TVET Basic Vocational Skills Level
    TVET Foundation Level

    Polytechnic Level

    Generic Qualification
    Advanced Diploma
    Year 12 (Technical) School Qualification,TVET Certificate III
    TVET Certificate II
    TVET Certificate I
    TVET Basic Vocational Skills Level
    TVET Foundation Level

    WDA Results  : Technical and professional national exams

    • The Minister of State for Primary and Secondary Education will officially be announced results for 2020 A level technical and professional examinations, Advanced certificate (General Education) and Teachers’ Training College (TTC).
    • Generally written exams are scheduled from November once in every year. This is the 7th time WDA conducts such exams since 2011.
    • Last year in 2016 national practical exams will be done in 113 centers and 23,942 candidates have been registered from 168 schools; among them 10,656 females (46.7%) and 13,286 males (53.3%). Up to 88.41 percent of candidates who sat, the 2016 Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) national exams passed and qualify for an equivalent of the A-Level certificate.

    www.wda.gov.rw Results 

    • Private Candidates will collect their result slips from WDA Office starting on March 1st, 2016. Whoever is not satisfied with his/her results has three (3) months to appeal. An answer is issued not later than 3 months after the introduction of appeal to WDA.
    • Results can be viewed online at www.wda.gov.rw/exams or by keying *775# on a mobile phone and following instructions or Call Toll-free number 4848. Headmasters will collect results for their respective schools.

    TVET National Exams Result

    Workforce Development Authority (WDA), Rwanda allows students to check TVET National Exams Result 2020 online as follows.

      • Step 1: Open your Internet Browser (Like Google Chrome)
      • Step 2: Type in address bar www.wda.gov.rw
      • Step 3: At the Main menu bar check for “Exam Result
      • Step 4: A Result window will come.
      • Step 5: Enter Your “Registration No.” (e.g 0331041CSM516. Make sure there are no spaces.)
      • Final Step: Click on the “Apply”

    TVET National Exams Result 2020-21

    Now your selected Rwanda TVET Results will be displayed, you can download the result or print it for future purpose.

    How to check TVET National Exams Result

    PO BOX 2707 KIGALI
    TEL:+250 25535113365/788300539

    Very Hot: If you have any questions, suggestions or corrections regarding this Post don’t hesitate using the Comment Box we will respond ASAP.

    ECOS JC Results 2023-2024 | Form 3 results


    Official Examination Council of Swaziland (ECOS)  JC Results 2023-2024  | Form 3 resultswww.examscouncil.org.sa

    JC Results Swaziland also known as Form 3 results: Junior Certificate (JC) exam results in 2021-2022 by Examinations Council of Swaziland @ www.examscouncil.org.sz.

    The Examination Council of Swaziland (ECOS) is a semi-Govt. the organisation administers Junior Certificate (JC) examination.

    JC Results Swaziland | Form 3 results 2023-2024

    • Junior Certificate exam in Swaziland is conducted by the Examination Council of Swaziland (ECOS) in the month of October and Junior Certificate Results publish in January every year.
    • After successfully qualified the Swaziland Primary Certificate (SPC) exam students get admission into Junior schools. Before going to Secondary Education students should be qualified Junior Certificate (JC) exam which is administered by ECOS.
    • There is an external public examination (Junior Certificate) at the end of the junior secondary that learners have to pass in order to progress to the senior secondary level.

    How to check JC or Form 3 results 2021-2022

    • In this page, we will discuss in detail how to check JC (Form 3) Swaziland results in 2020-21 online and offline. There are many ways to get the results. It’s obvious that pupils and their parents are in rush to check the Form 3 results.
    • First, you need the exact date of publishing Junior Certificate (JC) results. Normally ECOS publish the JC results by 1st week of January every year. Students must connect with our social networking pages (like Facebook) to get all updates in a daily basis.

    Form 3 results via SMS:

    • Students can check Form 3 results 2020 via SMS if they have no internet connection or you find a low-speed connection then you should check your result by using SMS.
    • Go to write SMS ->>
    • Type << Centre No & Candidate No>> send it to 3535
    • e.g. 4001-1001 (8 digits).
    • E2.85/SMS. Ts & Cs apply.

    JC / Form 3 result Online

    Candidates can check the JC / Form 3 result Online by year wise (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019) and by school name-wise. The Examination Council of Swaziland allows students to check the results online. They also published the Candidates Merit List (Top 50) summarized centre performance. Check below the steps for the JC results in 2020.

    • Step 1: Open Internet Browser.
    • Step 2: Visit www.examscouncil.org.sz
    • Step 3: Check the menu bar “Results” option.
    • Step 4: From the drop-down list click “JC Results” option.
    • From this step, candidates can check the results in the following ways
      • Subject Performance (Country Figures)
      • Subject Performance (Country Figures)
      • Summary Centre Performance
      • Centre Performance (By Subject)
      • Subject Performance (By Centre)
      • Subject Performance by Gender
    • Last step: click on the link you wish to check.

    Junior Certificate Results Analyse

    • First Ministry of Education and Training headquarters will announce or publish a press release or a press conference about the publication of JC results 2020. In 2015 JC results pass percentage was 81.19%. In the same year, 14,404 pupils appeared in this exam which is 9.64% more pupils appeared compared with 2014.
    • According to Junior Certificate (Form 3) exam rules to qualify for this exam pupils are required to score 40 per cent passing marks in different subject groups such as English Language, English Literature, Siswati or French to name a few. Pupils need to have passed at least six subjects in order to proceed to Form IV.
    • According to statistics, the 2015 pass rate was the lowest followed by that of 2008 which stood at 81.20 per cent. The 2012 pass rate was at 81.35 per cent followed by 2008 with 81.88 per cent. The highest pass rate recorded was in 2005 at 83.94 per cent. It was an increase from 2004’s 83.21 per cent.
    • J.C learners who could not pass form 3 and wish to repeat failed subjects so that they can later join the conventional school system to continue with their schooling. Subjects like Additional Mathematics, Book-keeping &Accounts, English Language, English Literature, History, Integrated Science, Mathematics, SiSwati, Geography, and Business Studies.

    Postal address:
    P.O. Box 1394,

    Telephone: +2682417 8000
    Fax: +2682416 2862
    Website: https://www.examscouncil.org.sz/

    If you have any questions, suggestions or corrections regarding this Post don’t hesitate to use the Comment Box we will respond ASAP.

    Stellenbosch University Exams Result status Check


    Stellenbosch University  Second Semester Result 2023-2024- how to Check 2nd Semester Exams Results in 2023-2024-download PDF

    How to Check Stellenbosch University Second Semester Result Online.

    You can view your Stellenbosch University 2nd Semester Result online via the institution’s portal. Please note that results appear online as they are uploaded. In case you check and it is not online yet, you may check back.

    Visit Stellenbosch University Official- www.sun.ac.za

    Log in by entering your matric no (Reg Number) and password (Access code)

    Select Result Checker

    Click on Check results and print if you choose to print it out

    Examinations Council of Swaziland Portal Login -www.examscouncil.org.sz


    Official Examinations Council of Swaziland Portal Login -www.examscouncil.org.sz

    We(zainfo.co.za team) are pleased to inform you about the Examinations Council of Swaziland Portal Login/Website- www.examscouncil.org.sz-read full details below

    The Examinations Council of Swaziland (ECOS) is a semi-Government organization with the mandate to administer examinations and issue certificates to primary, junior secondary and senior secondary school graduates in Swaziland. The Examinations Council was established through the Education Act No. 9 of 1981.

    Examinations Council of Swaziland:

    Education in Swaziland begins with preschool education for infants, primarysecondary and high school education for general education and training (GET) – and universities and colleges at the tertiary level. The ECOS conducted the following exam and also publish their results and exam timetable. ECOS also offers students to download past exam papers for various exams.

    Swaziland Primary Certificate (SPC):

    • Primary education in Swaziland begins at the age of six. It is a seven-year program that culminates with an end of Primary school Certificate [SPC] in grade 7 which is a locally based assessment administered by the Examinations Council through schools. Primary Education is from grade 1 to grade 7. The provision of primary education is in line with the following Ministry’s mission and vision. SPC is also known as Form 5 i.e. standard V.
    • SPC (Form 5) Results Swaziland
    • Primary school Curriculum
      The primary school curriculum is composed of the following subjects: – English, Mathematics, Science, Religious Education, SiSwati, French, Home Economics, Practical Art, and Physical Education.

    Junior Certificate (JC):

    • The Examination Council of Swaziland (ECOS) administers the Junior Certificate (JC) examination also known as form 3. There is an external public examination (Junior Certificate) at the end of the junior secondary that learners have to pass in order to progress to the senior secondary level.

    Swaziland General Certificate of Education (SGCSE):

    • The final school exam is the Swaziland General Certificate of Education (SGCSE) or the International General Certificate of Education (IGCSE). A few schools offer the AS and A-levels or the International Baccalaureate.
    • At the end of the senior secondary level, learners sit for a public examination, the Swaziland General Certificate of Secondary Education (SGCSE) and International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) which is accredited by the Cambridge International Examination (CIE). A few schools offer the Advanced Studies (AS) program in their curriculum.

    Address and Contact Info

    Postal address:

    P.O. Box 1394,

    Telephone: +2682417 8000
    Fax: +2682416 2862
    Website: https://www.examscouncil.org.sz/

    If you have any questions, suggestions or corrections regarding this Post don’t hesitate to use the Comment Box we will respond ASAP.

    Swaziland Primary Certificate (SPC) Results 2023-2024 (Form 5)


    Official Swaziland Primary Certificate (SPC) Results in 2023-2024 (Form 5)

    We are pleased to inform you about Swaziland Primary Certificate (SPC) Results in 2023-2024 (Form 5) -read full details below

    SPC (Form 5) Results 2021-2022 Swaziland Primary Certificate (SPC) Results also known as Form 5 i.e. Std. V will be published by the Examinations Council of Swaziland (ECOS) website www.examscouncil.org.sz 2021-2022 in the month of December 2020.

    SPC (Form 5) Results Swaziland:

    • Every year Swaziland Primary Certificate (SPE) examination is conducted by the Examinations Council of Swaziland (ECOS) and also ECOS published the form 5 results in the last week of December. Hence we can say in this year the SPC results in Swaziland are expected to be announced on December.
    The Minister of Education and Training Phineas Magagula will assure parents and pupils anticipating the Swaziland Primary Certificate results to relax as they will be released before the end of December 31 or possibly today. Stay with us for more updates or like our Facebook page.

    How to check SPC results in 2021-2022:

    • In this page we will discuss in detail how to check SPC (Form 5) Results 2020- 2021 Swaziland results online and offline. There are many ways to get the results. It’s obvious that pupils and their parents are in rush to check the Form 5 results.
    • First, you need the exact date of publishing the Swaziland Primary Certificate (SPC) results. Normally ECOS publishes the Primary Certificate results by the last week of December in every year. Students must connect with our social networking pages (like Facebook) to get all updates on a daily basis.

    SPC Results via SMS:

    • Students can check SPC results in 2020 via SMS if they have no internet connection or you find a low-speed connection then you should check your result by using SMS.
    • Go to write SMS ->>
    • Type << Centre No & Candidate No>> send it to 3535
    • e.g. 4001-1001 (8 digits).
    • E2.85/SMS. Ts & Cs apply.

    SPC Results Online:

    Candidates can check the Swaziland Primary Certificate (SPC) result Online by year wise and school name wise. Examination Council of Swaziland allows students to check the results online. They also published the Candidates Merit List (Top 50) summarized centre performance. Check below the steps for the JC results 2020.

    • Step 1: Open Internet Browser.
    • Step 2: Visit www.examscouncil.org.sz
    • Step 3: Check menu bar “Results” option.
    • Step 4: From the drop-down list click “JC Results” option.
    • From this step, candidates can check the results in the following ways
      •Hhohho District
      •Lubombo District
      •Manzini District
      •Shiselweni District
    • Last step: click on the link you wish to check.

    please e-mail (gamedze.z@examscouncil.org.sz) the Computer Section of the Exams Council stating the Exam Number or the Exam (SPC/JC/SGCSE), Centre Name and the Candidate Name.

    Postal address:
    P.O. Box 1394,

    Telephone: (+268) 2417 8000
    Fax: (+268) 2416 2862
    Website : https://www.examscouncil.org.sz/

    Very Hot: If you have any questions, suggestions or corrections regarding this Post don’t hesitate using the Comment Box we will respond ASAP.

    BHC School of Design Entry Requirements & Form 2023-2024


    The Official BHC School of Design Admission Entry Requirements2023-2024 | PDF of the BHC School of Design https://www.designschool.co.za/ Admission Criteria.

    We are pleased to inform you about the BHC School of Design  Entry Requirements 2022-2023 | read full details below

    Students who want to progress to the BHC School of Design need to hold a Senior Certificate with Matriculation Endorsement. However, the BHC School of Design will grant Admission to Applicants provided they meet certain Admission criteria and subject group requirements.

    BHC School of Design Admission Requirements 2023-2024

    knowing the Admission Requirments is as simple as ABC…, all you need is a good internet connection, Open your browser, login to the Official BHC School of Design Official Website via..https://www.designschool.co.za/

    Entry Requirements for Universities in South Africa

    Do you know that Entry requirements to South African universities depend on the particular school and type of program you wish to study? South African universities generally have an online application form which is easy to fill out in order to start the enrollment process.

    It is, however, important to note that non-South African applicants must meet the requirements of matriculation exemption. This can usually be achieved by obtaining a secondary-school diploma with good marks and scoring well on any standardized tests offered in your home country.

    You may also have to prove your English language skills, as most South African universities conduct their courses in English. from zainfo.co.za, International students from a non-English speaking country can prove their proficiency through a good score on the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System).

    Be aware that universities receive many applications throughout the year so it is important that you submit your application before deadlines and that you are submitting the correct documents.

    If you have Questions, Corrections, Suggestions or contributions Regarding this Post, kindly use the comment box below.

    Lesotho ECOL Exam Results 2023-2024 LGCSE Results


    Official Lesotho ECOL Exam Results in 2022-2023 | LGCSE Results


    We are pleased to inform you about Lesotho ECOL Exam Results 2022-2023 | LGCSE Results – read full details below

    How to get LGCSE Results 2022-2023

    Lesotho LGCSE Results ECOL Exam Results 2020/2021 There are many ways to get the LGCSE Lesotho Results 2019. First, wait for Hon. Minister press conference about the exact date of release. Generally, LGCSE Results are released in the month of January. Once it’s published students/parents can collect the results in the following ways.

    The LGCSE results will be available at respective schools and candidates can collect theirs at centres they sat exams. LGCSE Results can be viewed from websites and cell phone networks.

    Examinations Council of Lesotho allows all of us to check the results online. People who are in rush to get the Lesotho General Certificate Of Secondary Education results can follow the steps to check the result.

    • Step 1: Open an Internet browser.
    • Step 2: Visit www.ecol.org.ls
    • Step 3: Looks for PLSE Results.
    • Step 4: Once you found click on the link and a file will a be open.
    • Step 5: Check your result from the list.

    Individual Transcript (LGCSE results)

    • Step 1: Open an Internet browser.
    • Step 2: Visit www.examscouncil.org.ls
    • Step 3: Look for LGCSE Results.
    • Step 4: Once you found click on the link and a new window will a be open.
    • Step 5: Enter Your Username as Candidate Number
    • Step 6: Enter Your Date of Birth (YYYY-MM-DD) format.
    • Final Step Click on “View Transcript”

    Note: If you need help, or have questions or corrections regarding this post, kindly use the comment box below.

    Rwanda Education Board S6 Results 2023-2024| www.reb.rw


    Official Rwanda Education Board S6 Results 2023-2024 | www.reb.rw

    We are pleased to inform o about Rwanda Education Board S6 Results 2023-2024 | www.reb.rw

    S6 Results: It can be check at the Rwanda Education Board (REB) official website @www.reb.rw. It is an Advanced Secondary School level National Examination result.

    In Rwanda, S6 means: Senior Secondary School (Advanced level) it is the next step of the S3 level. Therefore, at the end of S6 i.e after six years of secondary level of schooling, the Rwanda Education Board (REB) conducted one of the most popular national examinations, known as S6

    S6 Results Rwanda

    Senior Secondary School (S6): The majority of Rwandan students attend public boarding schools, many of which are highly competitive. There are also private secondary schools in the country. Students must take a national Secondary Education Advanced Level exam to graduate.

    At the end of these 3 years, students take O-Level national examinations which allows them to progress Upper Secondary public schools. Many also continue into the TVET system – Technical and Vocation Education and Training.

    REB S6 National Examination Result Date

    The Ministry of Education, Rwanda officially announce the published date of S6 Result. S6 is a National level of examinations, therefore, the official ceremony must be commerced on publication date. At the same time, the authority awarded the top 10 best-performing students.

    Expected Date: As a matter of fact, the S6 result is likely to be released either last week of January 2020 or 1st week of February 2020. After the result published, it can be viewed either on the internet or by sending SMS.

    National Exam Name Tentative Date
    S6 Result Date 2020 23rd February 2021

    Check Rwanda S6 Results Online:

    After the official announcement is done by the Ministry of Education, Rwanda (mineduc), the student can search for S6 results online. The following steps will help you to view your result.

    1. Open your browser and type www.reb.gov.rw
    2. At the right-hand side click on “Result 2020”
    3. Then a new page will open on REB website results.reb.rw.
    4. Now select your exam name from   S3 | ✔S6 |  P6
    5. Then enter your S6 registration number.
    6. Finally, click on the search button.

    Note: Students can download the S6 result slip for future reference only.

    REB S6 Result via SMS

    It is another easy way to check the REB Results without an internet connection. Using SMS: Senior Secondary School (S6): followed by the full candidate’s index number. Send it to 4891.

    For example, if I am an S6 Student and My Reg Number is 32112300, then I shall send the SMS code S6 32112300 Send it to 489. 

    Stadium Road, Remera
    P.O. BOX 3817, Kigali, Rwanda
    Tel: (+250) 255121482/ 3020
    e-mail: info@reb.rw
    website: www.reb.rw

    Rwanda P6 National Examination Result 2023-2024


    Official Rwanda P6 National Examination Result 2023-2024

    We are pleased to inform you about Rwanda P6 National Examination Result 2023-2024

    P6 Results 2020 Rwanda P6 National Examination Result 2023-2024 @www.reb.rw. Check the Rwanda Education Board (REB) Primary Leaving National Examination Result online.

    The Rwanda Education Board (REB) is responsible for conducting the P6 national examination. The Rwanda country operates on a 6+3+3+4 education system. Starting with Primary School – 6 years of schooling. The language used for teaching in the first three years of primary education is Kinyarwanda. In the fourth through sixth years, this becomes English.

    In general, the P6 examination is held in the month of October at the end of six years of primary education. The subjects were taken Creative Arts, Physical Education Sports, Mathematics, Kinyarwanda, Science & Elementa Technology, English, Social and Religious Studies, Franais.

    P6 Results 2023-2024

    Why the name is P6? Because of the 6 years of Primary level education. Here P=Primary and 6= Six years.

    As a matter of fact, there are two official mediums of instruction in the Rwanda education system. The Kinyarwanda language used as a medium of instruction in primary school (P1-P3). Moreover, the English language used as a medium of instruction from P4 through University.

    French, the language of instruction before Paul Kagame’s accession to power, was officially replaced in schools by English. However, French classes were reintroduced weekly in primary schools, since 2016.

    P6 Result: The Primary Leaving National Examination i.e. P6 is one of the most popular examinations. At the end of primary schooling, students take the Primary Leaving Certificate (PLE) and promoted to Junior Secondary School (Ordinary level) – 3 years.

    Rwanda P6 National Examination Result Date 2023-2024

    In general, the Ministry of Education, Rwanda (mineduc) released the National Examinations for P6 results and awarded the top 10 best-performing students from PRIMARY (P6): Primary Leaving National Examination.

    In general, the P6 result is released either in the month of December (last week) or 1st week of January. After the result published, it can be viewed either on the internet or by sending SMS.

    Check Rwanda P6 Results 2023-2024 Online:

    The Rwanda Education Board (REB) allows students to check P6 (Primary Six) national exam results in multiple ways. The easiest way to check it online. Follow the steps below.

    1. Open your browser and type www.reb.gov.rw
    2. At the right-hand side click on “Result 2020”
    3. Then a new page will open on REB website results.reb.rw.
    4. Now select you
    5. Exam name from S3 | S6 | ✔ P6
    6. Then enter your P6 registration number.
    7. Finally, click on the search button.

    Note: Students can download the P6 result slip for future reference only

    REB P6 Result 2023-2024 via SMS

    It is another easy way to check the REB Results without an internet connection. Using SMS: P6 ( for Primary Six ) or S3 (for ordinary level) followed by the full candidate’s index number. Send it to 489.

    For example, if I am a P6 Student and My Reg Number is 23565458, then I shall send the SMS code p6 23565458 Send it to 489. 

    Students Participation & Statistics

    In 2019: Primary National examinations started on 04/11/2019 and ended on 06/11/2019. A total number of 286,721 primary candidates from 2,817 schools were registered in 938 examinations centers. Candidates who sat for all 5 subjects in 2019 were: 280,456as compared to 232,004 (2018). Out of 278,456; 150,810 candidates (54.16%) are girls while 127,6646 candidates (45.84%) are boys.

    Year No. of Boys No. of Girls Total Students
    2019 127,6646 150,810 278,456
    2018  254, 834 138,541 116,293
    2017 228,048 125,606 102,442

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    P.O. BOX 3817, Kigali, Rwanda
    Tel: (+250) 255121482/ 3020
    e-mail: info@reb.rw
    website: www.reb.rw