Official Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator -Full Details

We( team) are pleased to inform you about Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator -Full Details -read full details below

Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator builds scalable solutions for the youth labor market across the formal and informal economy. Its matching tools and real-world training methodology help employers quickly and reliably gauge work-readiness and increase retention. Its high-tech “pathwaying platform” connects job seekers with opportunities developed through partnerships with businesses—whether behind a counter at Nando’s or at a desk at Deloitte.    

South Africa has one of the highest youth unemployment rates in the world. The legacy of apartheid along with rapid globalization have left many young people geographically removed from job opportunities. A lack of information, skills, networks, and social capital leave these young people discouraged and excluded. It is estimated that 40 percent of this generation will never secure stable work, despite a large investment in skills training by South Africa’s government and private sector. Employers say they struggle to find work-ready candidates and lack the ability to effectively evaluate these young job seekers.    

Both the public and private sectors see Harambee as leading experts in the dynamics of the South African labor market. The Gauteng Province—including Johannesburg and Pretoria—has institutionalized the work of Harambee, relying on its platform and labor market solutions to address the youth unemployment crisis. Harambee’s innovations, now expanded into Rwanda, remove cost barriers for employers to hire unemployed youth and unlock demand for this otherwise excluded demographic. Governments have begun to see the value of youth-focused solutions, while businesses have begun to see value in a population that had long been invisible to them.  


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