Official Zambia Correctional Services Recruitment 2025-2026 | Jobs & Application
We( Team) are pleased to inform you about Zambia Correctional Services Recruitment 2025-2026 | Jobs & Application | read full details below
Zambia Correctional Service invites applications from interested and suitably qualified Zambians to join its rank and file as professionals:-
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- Bachelor of Science Degree in Medicine and Bachelor of Science Degree in Surgery (MBChB); and Master in Public Health (01)
- Bachelor of Science Degree in Medicine and Bachelor of Science Degree in Surgery (MBChB) or equivalent (01)
- Bachelor of Science in Psychiatric (02)
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (05)
- Diploma in Clinical Medicine (06)
- Diploma in Registered Nursing (12)
- Diploma in Agricultural Engineering (04)
- Diploma in Veterinary Science (04)
- Diploma in Crop Science (04)
- Diploma in Water Engineering (12)
- Diploma in Electrical Engineering (06)
- Diploma in Automotive Mechanics (04)
- Diploma in Auto-Electrical (04)
- Diploma in Social Work (03)
- Diploma in Guidance and Counseling (03)
- Diploma in Industrial Arts (04)
- Diploma in Purchasing und Supply (12)
- Diploma in Food Production (02)
- Certificate in Metal Fabrication (06)
- Certificate in Brick-Laying and Plastering (07)
- Certificate in Plumbing and Sheet Metal (12)
- Earth Moving Operators (Tractors, Combined Harvesters, Bulldozers, Graders) (10)
- ZICA Licentiate or equivalent (Non-Uniformed Positions) (06)
- ZICA Technician or equivalent (Non-Uniformed Positions) (05)
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Prospective candidates must meet the following:
- Must be a Zambian Citizen with Green National Registration Card (NRC);
- Must possess a Grade Twelve (12) School Certificate with five (05) Credits;
- Must be between 18 – 35 years of age:
- Must be physically mentally fit;
- Must have no criminal record;
- Must be ready to undergo military training;
- Must be single at the time of recruitment;
- Must not be less than 1.65m tall;
- Must be ready and willing to work in rural parts of Zambia.
Interested candidates should apply in their own handwriting to respective Regional Commanding Officers; Central; Lusaka; Copperbelt; Southern; Eastern; North-Western; Western: Luapula; Northern and Muchinga Provinces.
Note the following:
- No Application letter will be received at Correctional Service Headquarters and Correctional Staff Training Colleges.
- All applicants must be affiliates with their Professional Associations where applicable.
- Candidates who will be shortlisted will be expected to meet the cost of their accommodation, meals, and travel expenses to and from the place of the interview.
- Only candidates meeting the stipulated requirements should apply.
- Only successful candidates will be communicated to.
For further information contact;
Telephone Number: +260 215 222125 +260 953580162
The Director, Human Resource
Zambia Correctional Service Headquarters
Read Also: Correctional Services Learnership Application 2025-2026
Note: If you have questions or corrections regarding this, kindly use the comment box below.
Very educational content.
Good and interesting
Sir please will you give me guidance on how to apply my contact is 0777798229
Applying for Zambian army international recruiting class,this as to be your career and not by copping because it can be hard to do if not ready I was born to save this country,am eager to do it ..I want to know the amount of money that is required to get my registration done..
I really want to join 0975759176
I really want you join
I would like to join zambia national service
Am interested please notify me when recruitments starts please my WhatsApp number 096210362
I work hard always and how can I apply and join so that I can save my country and use the skills have a cadet and I band drum major. I can never stop it my blood and just need an opportunity well disciplined well disciplined
I will be highly appreciates.
Water engineering n electrical engineering