Official South African Police Service( SAPS) Intake Closing Dates 2025-2026

We are pleased to inform you about SAPS Recruitment Requirements 2025-2026 read full details below

About the South African Police Service | SAPS-

The South African Police Service is the national police force of the Republic of South Africa. Its 1,138 police stations in South Africa are divided according to the provincial borders, and a Provincial Commissioner is appointed in each province.
Officers: 150,950 (2014/15)
Headquarters location: Pretoria, South Africa
Founded: 1995
Jurisdiction: South Africa
Number of employees: 193,692 (2014–2015)
Minister of Police responsible: Bheki Cele

Before you fill out that SAPS Traineeship 2019/2020 application to be a police officer, there are a lot of things to consider. Besides the important questions of whether or not this may be the right career for you or whether you can handle the emotional, mental and physical rigors that come with a day on the job, there’s one important question on which your entire career hopes will hinge: are you qualified to be a law enforcement officer?

Benefits of Joining the South African Police Service (SAPS).

  • Job security
  • Good welfare package.
  • Career advancement opportunity.
  • Opportunity to protect, enforce and ensure peace and safety.

Requirements to Join the South African Police Service.

  • Candidates must be between the ages of 18 and 30 throughout the duration of the recruitment exercise.
  • Candidates must have sat for, passed and have the Grade 12 certificate.
  • Candidates must possess good command of the English Language and any other language.
  • You must be ready to take the oath of office
  • Candidates must have no criminal record or any criminal trial in the offing.
  • Candidates must be of South African origin
  • You must have a South African identity card.

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South African Police Service (SAPS ) Recruitment Exercise & The Process. 

The SAPS recruitment exercise involves three (3) main stages which are:


The induction stage lasts for one (1) month at an assigned police station in which the candidate would have to understudy and monitor the activities of the South African Police Service officers and learn how they carry out their duties and the on field experience of policing.


This training stage lasts for eight months (8) at an assigned South African Police Service Academy for the selected candidates. There candidates  are thought the ethics and discipline of policing. They are thought how to fight and defend themselves in violent situations and to defend the public. Also taught to them is the ability to resolve disputes amicably and calm tensions. Laws of the country, human rights and so much more are taught to them.

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After the candidates has successfully passed the above 2 stages which are the induction stage and Basic Training Stage, the candidate would be enrolled in the South African Police Service force under probationary conditions for 12 months from the time of appointment and after the candidate has successfully passed the conditions for the Probation Stage, the employment would be fully confirmed.

The Candidate has to ensure that he or she has to be of due conduct during before, during and after the South African Police Service recruitment exercise. Candidates who behave in a way that causes embarrassment to the South African Police Service may have their employment terminated.

To register for the South African Police Service follow the guideline below.

NOTE: Be aware of bogus website advertisements on SAPS traineeship and vacancies.

Basic Police Development Learning Programme

Police recruits undergo a Basic Police Development Learning Programme (BPDLP) when they enlist in the South African Police Service.
Upon recruitment, a Memorandum of Agreement is entered into between the South African Police Service and the police recruit for a contract period of 24 months. During this period, the recruit will be a police trainee and will undergo the Basic Police Development Learning Programme.
The purpose of the Basic Police Development Learning Programme is to enable newly-appointed police officials to –

  • use a series of legal and policing skills to protect and serve members of communities in accordance with the Constitution of South Africa
  • provide a more effective service that will improve community satisfaction and position them to fulfil their mission of creating a safe and secure environment for all who live in South Africa.

The course is presented at the accredited SAPS academies earmarked to present the Basic Police Development Learning Programme.  The SAPS have the following academies:



The duration of the Learning Programme will be 24 months, of which 12 months will be at the Academy and 12 months in the workplace.  It will consist of two phases at the academy and one phase in the workplace.

  • Phase One:  Academy (10 months)
    • Foundational phase – will mainly focus on acquiring necessary knowledge and skills.
    • Practical application of knowledge and skills
  • Phase Two:  Workplace experience (12 months)
    • Workplace exposure at a station
  • Phase Three:  Academy (2 months)
    • Integrated assessments

When police trainees complete the training and are found competent, they are permanently enlisted in the South African Police Service as constables.

Payment and benefits during the first 24 months
A police trainee will receive the following payment and benefits during the first 24 months:
Phase 1: 10 months at the SAPS Academy
R3 175,00 per month
Free meals and accommodation
Polmed medical aid – lower plan membership, no pension fund
Phase 2 and 3: 12 months in the workplace at a station and two months integrated assessment at the Academy
R 7 275,00 per month
Own meals and accommodation
Polmed medical aid – lower or higher plan membership, pension fund and all other benefits (Leave, allowances, etc)
Permanent appointment after 24 months:
R 10 307,00 per month
All benefits applicable to SAPS Act members.

How to Apply For SAPS Traineeship 2019

The minimum qualifications listed above determine an individual’s basic eligibility for employment with the South African Police Service (SAPS).  Please note, the application process can be lengthy. Depending on a person’s specific circumstances, the process can take as little as a few months to more than a year.

The human resource personnel encourages applicants to apply for positions by submitting an online application

To check the SAPS closing date, visit

Note: If you need helps, or you have questions or corrections regarding this Post, kindly use the comment box below.


  1. Evening to you sir/madam i have my matric certificate.And i would love to be part of your saps

    traineeship/learnership.As this has always ben a dream of mine to work for my country
    keeping it safe in South africa for all who live in it.

  2. Good day my name is Halalisiwe Philile Dube ,i completed my physical training then wwnt to the interview last year 2022 then they told us they will send sms for medical but till today i am still waiting for the sms can someone please help i need these job thank you my

  3. It would be an honour to join the SAPS ,to fight crime , to enforce law and to make sure that our communities and the whole of South Africa is safe. But how do i apply online

  4. What happens to the applicants who were supposed to go medical assessment in 20 March 2023 but got postponed to date?

  5. hi i passed the pychometric test at the testing center and would like to know if should i apply again for te next intake or im in the database automatically? because tey couldnt let me do the fitness test due to my BMI and i was sure i was healthy cz im playing rugby just that i look thick

  6. Hi I’m highly interested in being one of the defenders of crime in out country would like to know how I can apply anyone who can assist will highly appreciate it.

  7. Wow I do qualify plus iam very much dedicated to be part of the police woman who ensures there is harmony and peace within the country, worse I spend most of the gym at the gym I am physically and emotionally fit , not sure if I’ll qualify due age(20)

  8. I once applied for the Police Officer post 2019 and was called for assessment test and on my waiting period for the feedback or respond covid19 stopped all the process during the pandemic virus and covid regulations.

    My enquiry is if I’m still on the system should I reapply again

  9. Good day,
    I am interested in becoming a police officer how do I go abaout and what are the qualifications , seeing that I do not have Grade 12


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