DHERST NOAS Online Application 2025-2026 |Grade 12

We are pleased to inform you about DHERST NOAS Online Application 2025-2026 | Form, Requirements & dates
DHERST 2022 Online SLF Application for Grade 12 presents Grade 12 students in a privileged position to make the right choices for their Grade 12 School Leavers.
Firstly, the National Online Application System (NOAS) gives the students the right choice upfront by highlighting (in red) the ‘ineligible’ options. There is no room for getting the choices wrong.
Secondly, the students have 5 choices. That means 5 chances of getting into a tertiary institution.
National Online Application System (NOAS)
In the past, Grade 12 students did not have the chance to change their choices after they filled out the manual School Leaver’s Form (SLF). Not do the past students have 5 choices, but they were limited to only 3 choices.
Here is a post about DHERST Selections that provides information for Schools Leavers and Non-School levers.
So, here is how you (Grade 12 students) can make full use of the Grace Period and maximize your chances of securing a space for 2023.
Launching of 2022 selection for the 2023 academic year
The online selection via DHERST’s National Online Selections System (NOSS) will kick in and do the magic in 3 days.
Last year (2021), DHERST planned to launch the 2022 selections for the academic year on Tuesday 21 December 2021. But, there were administrative issues that prompted the Department of Higher Education to re-call, update and republish the selection listing.
How to Check Your 2022 Grade 12 Exam Marks
By now, you should know your Grade 12 exam marks. The marks are accessible through My PNG Exam Results website.
Note that DHERST does not display the Grade 12 students’ exam marks.
The 2022 Grade 12 students should now be able to access their results which came out on the 11th of December 2022.
NOAS remains the property of the National Government of Papua New Guinea and is administered by the Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology.
NOAS facilitates national admissions and selections into higher education institutions in PNG. This portal facilitates Grade 12 school-leaver applications.
Non-school leaver applicants
Non-school leaver applicants must contact directly the institute of their choice and follow non-school leaver application requirements.
Contact DHERST
For further information, please contact the DHERST Support Service noassupport@dherst.gov.pg
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