Brazil Visa-Free Countries 2023-2024 | Application & Requirements
We are pleased to inform you about Brazil Visa-Free Countries 2023-2024 | Application & Requirements
The Brazilian passport permits its holders visa-free entrance to 106 countries. Additionally, to the countries that give visas on arrival and eVisa, this number increases to 161.
Through this method, Brazilian citizens with their passports could travel to different regions of the world, plus all countries in Europe, Latin America, and some of Africa, Asia, and Oceania.
Read on to find out which countries require some approval to enter and which are fully visa-free for Brazilians.
Read Also: Difference Between Visa and a Green Card 2023-2024 | Application & Requirements
Complete List of Visa-Free Countries for Brazil Passport Holders in 2023
Countries that Brazilian citizens can travel to visa-free include
To be precise, 106 countries allow visa-free entrance to Brazilian citizens, many of which you can be there for up to 90 days before you can get a visa.
This is the case for many European and American states. Some countries you could stay in for up to 180 days: are Armenia, Peru, Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Suriname, and the United Kingdom.
The limit In Georgia is double (360 days). There is no requirement or specification for the Palestine Territories, the Dominican Republic, and Sao Tome and Principe.
However, you must obtain a valid Brazilian passport in all these cases.
The Countries that Brazilian citizens go to without a visa
Around 54 percent of the world permits visa-free entrance for Brazilian citizens.
The majority of these states are set in Europe and South America.
Here, we present a detailed list of the countries that Brazilian passport holders can visit without a visa.
Albania | Luxembourg |
Andorra | Macao |
Antigua and Barbuda | Malaysia |
Argentina | Malta |
Armenia | Mauritius |
Austria | Micronesia |
Bahamas | Moldova |
Barbados | Monaco |
Belarus | Mongolia |
Belgium | Montenegro |
Belize | Morocco |
Bolivia | Namibia |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Netherlands |
Botswana | Nicaragua |
Bulgaria | North Macedonia |
EASE | Norway |
Chile | Palestinian Territories |
Colombia | Panama |
Costa Rica | Paraguay |
Croatia | Peru |
Cyprus | Philippines |
Czech Republic | Poland |
Denmark | Portugal |
Dominica | Qatar |
Dominican Republic | Romania |
Ecuador | Russian Federation ( |
El Salvador | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Estonia | Saint Lucia |
Eswatini | San Marino |
Fiji | Sao Tome and Principe |
Finland | Senegal |
France | Serbia |
Georgia | Singapore |
Germany | Slovakia |
Greece | Slovenia |
Grenada | South Africa |
Guatemala | Spain |
Guyana | St. Vincent and the Grenadines |
Haiti | Suriname |
Honduras | Sweden |
Hong Kong | Switzerland |
Hungary | Thailand |
Iceland | Trinidad and Tobago |
Ireland | Tunisia |
Israel | Turkey |
Italy | Ukraine |
Jamaica | United Arab Emirates |
Kazakhstan | United Kingdom |
Kosovo | Uruguay |
Kyrgyzstan | Uzbekistan |
Latvia | Vanuatu |
Liechtenstein | Vatican City |
Lithuania | Venezuela |
The Brazilian passport has greater mobility and is ranked amongst the best globally, permitting its holders to range 83 percent of the world.
In 2023, Brazilian passport holders could travel around 106 nations without their visa and to 55 states using the means of a visa on arrival or eVisa, including four others with an eTA.
This makes an overall reach of 165 countries, leaving just 33 out.
This way, Brazilian citizens can travel around 54 percent of the globe with only their passports, and another 30 percent use more available visa types.
Note: If you have questions or corrections regarding this post, kindly use the comment box below.
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Amazing one
Will love to visit one day
Greatly nice
Brazil visa is nice
Love it
This article provides a comprehensive and up-to-date list of countries that Brazilian citizens can visit without a visa.
wow this is interesting!