CRPF Constable Recruitment 2025-2026 | Application Form, Dates & Requirements

We are pleased to inform you about the CRPF Constable Recruitment 2025-2026 | Application Form, Dates & Requirements

CRPF Constable Recruitment 2024 

Yes, CRPF constable recruitment is ongoing. It started on Monday, 27th March 2024, and will be closing on Saturday, 25th April 2024.

The application form is free and prospective applicants are to fill it out via the CRPF recruitment portal

CRPF Constable Job Vacancies 2024

  • Driver: 75 posts
  • Motor Mechanic Vehicle: 11 posts
  • Cobbler: 5 posts
  • Carpenter: 5 posts
  • Tailor: 7 posts
  • Brass Band: 5 posts
  • Pipe Band: 2 posts
  • Burglar: 46 posts
  • Gardner: 3 posts
  • Painter: 2 posts
  • Cook & Water Carrier: 84 posts
  • Washerman: 14 posts
  • Barber: 10 posts
  • Safai Karmachari: 28 posts

Vacant positions for female applicants

  • Bugler: 1 post
  • Cook & Water Carrier: 1 post
  • Washer Women: 1 post
  • Safai Karmachari: 1 post
  • Brass Band: 1 post

CRPF Constable Recruitment Process

Getting acquainted with CRPF recruitment stages would get you ready for the work ahead, below is the India Central Reserve Police Force recruitment process.


The first stage in Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) recruitment is application. Here interested applicants are to visit the recruitment portal and carefully fill out the online application form.


After the application stage, the Central Reserve Police Force will then release the names of successful applicants online. This is why you need to take the requirements for this recruitment exercise seriously.

Online CBT Test

Shortlisted candidates are subjected to an online Computer Base Test (CBT), this is to enable the Central Reserve Police Force to select suitably qualified candidates.


Successful candidates of the online CBT test will then undergo a Physical Standard Test (PST) and Physical Efficiency Test (PET) After that would be the Trade Test then a medical examination and the final merit list will be released. CRPF Recruitment Portal is the official recruitment portal for the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) where all applicants are to visit in other to fill and submit the online application form.

Requirements for CRPF Constable Recruitment 2024

Nationality: The candidate must be a citizen of India.

Age Limit: The minimum age limit to apply for the CRPF constable recruitment is 18 years, and the maximum age limit is 23 years.

Educational Qualifications: The candidate must have passed 10th or 12th grade from a recognized board or university.

Physical Standards: The candidate must meet the physical standards set by the CRPF. This includes height, weight, and chest measurements.

How to Apply for CRPF Constable Recruitment 2024

Candidates should have a valid personal e-mail ID & mobile number. It should be kept active during the entire recruitment process. Application sequence number, password & all other important communication/alerts will be sent on the same registered e-mail ID (please ensure that e-mail sent to this mailbox is not redirected to your junk/spam folder).

Candidates should take utmost care to furnish the correct details while filling in the online application form. You can edit the information before submission of Step-I and Step-II. Once the form is submitted, it can’t be edited.

The step-by-step process for submitting the application form is given below:

Registration of personal & contact details. The login ID and password will be sent to you through e-mail on the registered e-mail ID. Step II: Re-login and select the category and fill up the personal details, qualification details, upload a photo & signature, and submit “Recruitment Processing Charges” and examination fees, (if applicable) to be paid by all the candidates, irrespective of category, online via SBI MOPS through net banking/debit cards/credit cards/UPI/Challan.

Application once submitted cannot be withdrawn and fee once paid will not be refunded in any case, neither shall be held reserved for any other recruitment nor selection process in the future.

Candidates agreeing to the terms & conditions may apply by clicking ‘I Agree’ checkbox given below and pressing the ‘Start’ button.

The candidates should fill up all the desired information i.e. Personal Details, Contact Details, etc. correctly.

On completion of Step-I registration, a message will be received in the candidate’s registered email ID conveying his/her login ID (Application Sequence Number) and password.

The candidates have to log out and login again (for Step II) in order to fill up other details in the application form.

After registration, the candidate has to log in and complete other details in the application form like Personal Details, Qualification Details, and Declaration, etc.

Instructions regarding scanning of Photograph and Signature: Candidates should upload the scanned (digital) image of their photograph and signature as per the process given below. The applicant should note that only JPG/JPEG format is acceptable:

Photograph image:

Colored photo of size 35mm (width) x 45mm (height) not older than 03 months. Black & white photos will not be accepted.

Light background. Light grey/white is suggested. No patterns.

The face should cover 70-80% of the photo. The applicant should look straight at the camera with a normal expression.

Avoid uniforms of colors matching the background.

If the applicant wears optical glasses, then his/her eyes should be fully visible.

The size of the scanned image should be between 50-100 kb in JPG/JPEG format only.

Signature image:

The applicant has to sign on white paper with a Black ink pen.

The signature must be signed only by the applicant and not by any other person.

Please scan the signature area only and not the entire page.

The size of the file should be between 50-100 kb in JPG/JPEG format only

Once the application is submitted, candidates will be automatically redirected to the SBI gateway to deposit the examination fee of Recruitment Processing Charges of INR 520 and INR 100 (if applicable) (plus Bank charges, if applicable) to be paid by all candidates, through Debit Card/Credit Card/ Net Banking/UPI/ Challan, etc. Candidates may generate payment acknowledgment slips for future reference.

Guidelines for the remittance of fees are as under:

Post submission, the candidate will be re-directed to the SBI payment gateway to make the online payment.

Kindly verify the details and make the payment for application fees via different payment modes.

Post successful online payment, the candidate will be redirected to his/her application form.

For the purpose of all future references, the candidates are advised to keep a printout of their application form after successful submission.

Related post: KRC Shortlisted Candidates 2025-2026 | Application Form, Dates & Requirements Download PDF

CRPF Recruitment Closing Date 2024

The closing date for Central Reserve Police Force, CRPF recruitment is Saturday, 25th April 2024. Failure to submit your application on or before this deadline will lead to disqualification.

Note: If you have any questions regarding this post, please use the comment box.



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