LifeMed Paramedic Learnership 2023-2024 | Form, Requirements & Dates
LifeMed Paramedic Learnership 2023-2024 | Form, Requirements & Dates
We are pleased to inform you about LifeMed Paramedic Learnership 2023-2024 | Form, Requirements & Dates
Interested applicants can apply for the Paramedic Learnership 2023/2024 provided they qualify and meet the program requirements.
Paramedics are part of the healthcare industry. Paramedics mainly work in an outdoor environment as part of the emergency medical service crew that is sent out with an ambulance. They mostly deal with home emergencies, road accidents and other accidents or circumstances that require emergency medical attention. This is usually when people cannot get to a hospital due to complications in an emergency situation. Paramedic Learnerships are popular and in demand and are offered by health industry companies in South Africa.
This profession has developed greatly since the first emergency care personnel was used in 1970s. The first ambulances merely transported sick and injured people to hospital but these days they are more trained and seen as mobile nurses in a way. Every call received will be different from the previous or next one, thus, paramedics need to be experienced in cardiac arrest, resuscitation, essential treatments for internal, external damage, medication, delivering babies, mental health issues and more.
Paramedic Learnerships Available
This field offers what the name states and basically offer paramedic learnerships. Many of the learnerships offered can be for a one or two-year period. It usually includes practical and theoretical training or learning. It involves all aspects of emergency care including ambulance driving, medical procedures, medicine and more. It is a life-changing and saving career.
Available learnerships:
- Paramedic
- Emergency Care Worker
- Ambulance Driver
- Consultant Paramedic
Companies offering Paramedic Learnerships
- Netcare
- ER24
- Department of Health North West
- Department of Health Polokwane
- Department of Health Kwa Zulu Natal
- Netcare 911
- LifeMed
- SAPS South African Paramedic Services
Paramedic Learnerships Requirements
Most companies will have the same requirements for this field. However, if you intend to apply for paramedic learnerships be sure that you know what the company you are applying to requires. If you do not meet all the stipulations, you are not eligible to apply. Here is a basic list of the stipulations you can expect.
Basic requirements/stipulations:
- You must be a citizen of SA
- Must have a valid ID book or document of South Africa
- You must have completed your Grade 12 and hold a Matric certificate with a 50% average
- Must have passed English, Mathematics & Physical Science with a 40% mark on level 4 (NGF)
Applicants must submit a CV, all academic results, copy of ID or citizenship with the application. All fields of the application must be completed and all detail provided on it must be current. Selected candidates who make the shortlist will be contacted and may be asked to attend an interview, health check, or further assessments.
Overview of Learnership Programmes in South Africa 2023/2024
What is a Learnership
A Learnership is a work-based learning programme. This means that classroom studies at a college or training center are combined with practical on-the-job experience. We learn much better when we can practice what we have been taught in the classroom in a workplace environment.
By physically performing tasks that are learned in the classroom at the workplace, we can see what we have learned and what we did not understand. This allows us to ask the trainer to explain that part of the lesson again until we fully understand it.
Learnerships form part of a nationally recognized qualification that is directly linked to an occupation. This means that what you learn on leadership is not just for the particular job that you can get once you have finished the leadership; it also forms part of a higher qualification that you can study further through other Learnership or short courses.
Each leadership has a specific level of qualification. An artisan like a bricklayer or a beautician, for instance, is a Level 4 Qualification. This means that if you want to become an artisan you will have to complete 4 four separate leadership (levels 1, 2, 3 & 4). There is no set time frame in which you have to do these, as each level qualification remains in the system and will count towards the full qualification.
Who Benefits From Learnerships
In short, everybody!
The Learner:
- You get access to free learning and better job opportunities
- Can earn while you learn
- Learnerships can help you to get into the workplace and/or get a formal qualification
The Employer:
- Gets skilled, experienced workers who will need less supervision
- Gets improved productivity
- Can identify and solve gaps in skills and training
- Educates and empowers employees, creating a happy workforce
The Industry:
- Gets access to far more skilled and professional workers
- Can develop employees to world-class standards
- Becomes more competitive in the international market
How Do Learnerships Work
In the past, the education given in schools and other education facilities did not really have much in common with the working world. This meant that people entered the workplace with all of the knowledge but none of the practical experience on how to do the job.
Learnerships teach both the why and how to by creating a contract between the learner, the learning provider, and the organization or business. All learnership contracts must be registered with the Sector Education Training Authority (SETA) for that specific industry, which guarantees that the learnership programme is of a high standard.
If accepted into a learnership you will have to sign two legal contracts; a Learnership Agreement and an Employment Contract. The Learnership Agreement tells you exactly what responsibilities you, the training provider and the employer have. The Employment Contract is only for the period of the learnership. Learnerships last between 12 -24 months.
If you are unemployed, you will receive an allowance while you are on a learnership which is meant to cover costs like travel and food. If you are already employed you will only receive your normal salary.
During the learnership you will spend a certain period of time in a classroom, either at the company or organization or at other premises, and the rest of the time actually working and learning on the job at the company. It is important that you take advantage of the opportunity offered you to develop your skills, gain experience and grow your potential. from, A learnership is the perfect way to show the trainers and the organization what you know, as it could lead to a permanent job with that company or organisation, so take your learnership seriously.
You will be expected to do certain written and practical tasks while on the learnership as part of your studies. Learnerships are outcomes-based, which means that you will be assessed (tested) on what you have learned through the various stages of the learnership, not only at the end of it.
You will get an official certificate that will state the qualification, and indicate the area in which you have developed skills during the learnership if you are considered to be competent at the end of it. This qualification is nationally recognized.
Completing a learnership is not a guarantee of employment, but many learners do get employed by companies or organizations where they did their learnerships. Even if that company does not employ you, you stand a much better chance of getting employed with a learnership qualification than without one.
Who Qualifies for a Learnership
Learnerships are designed for all levels and as such is open to anyone between the ages of 16 and 60. This includes the unemployed and the employed, the able-bodied and the disabled.
How Does One Get Access to a Learnership
Decide in which line you want to study and either speak to your employer or contact your nearest Labour Centre or Provincial Office of the Department of Labour to find out whether there are any learnerships that you can apply for.
Some learnerships have certain conditions, such as only accepting learners who have a Grade 12, speak more than 1 language, or have computer skills, for instance. Other learnerships do not have any requirements.
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