Official AFPSAT Reviewer & Practice Test 2025-2026
We( team) are pleased to inform you about AFPSAT Reviewer & Practice Test 2025-2026 | read full details below
Are they interested to join the military? AFPSAT is the first part of the application and recruitment process. Applicants must take this exam regardless of what branch (Army, PAF, Navy, Marines) they decide to enter.
Armed Forces of the Philippines Service Aptitude Test (AFPSAT) consist of 150 items questions. The coverage includes Abstract reasoning, Verbal reasoning, and Numerical reasoning.
Each subject has a duration of 30 minutes which means the exam will take you 1 hour and 30 minutes to finish. We have collected some practice tests for you to practice and at least be prepared for the exam.
AFPSAT Reviewer
Abstract Reasoning
Abstract Reasoning measures the ability to see the relationships among things- rather than among words and numbers. Click to download.
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Part 3
- Part 4
- Part 5
Verbal Reasoning
Verbal reasoning measures the ability to reason and solve problems through the concept of words by comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary recognition.
- Part 1– This is a general aptitude test reviewer
- Part 2 – This is 400 items practical questions Aptitude Test Workbook
Numerical reasoning
Numerical reasoning measures the ability to solve mathematical problems.
- Part 1
Wish you all the best on your exam! For news, updates, job opportunities, scholarships, etc. like and follow our Official Facebook Page. You can also download our app on Google play so you can receive updates straight from your phone.
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