Apply Now: TOURISM Learnership Internship-Ongoing Job Vacancies

We are pleased to inform you about TOURISM Learnership Internship-Ongoing Job Vacancies

Tourism learnership internship is one of the most promising income sources of the country. If a country can maximize its tourism destination, it can attract visitors and foreigners to come to their country. As a result, the national income is increased due to the increase in tourist numbers. In order to achieve this purpose, the Republic of South African develops the Department of Tourism. The vision of the department is to develop high sustainability tourism for improving the economic growth in South Africa. In order to accomplish the vision, there are several missions that should be done by the department such as developing good cooperation governance, creating and implementing the strategy of partnership and collaboration with other related institutions, developing the good quality of management, and maintaining the communication with the stakeholder. The Department of tourism also has the value that should be followed by all of the staff.

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The value can be divided into two types that are performance values and organizational values. The performance values are including innovative, ethical, and customer focus. Meanwhile, the organizational values are including empowerment, integrity, and recognition. Considering the importance of the tourism destination, they need professional staff and employees so that they can achieve their purposes. It means that there are many possibilities to be accepted in this department and build the high Department of Tourism learnership career.

If you are interested to do a job in the Department of Tourism, you can see the available job vacancies on their website. Well, there will be some requirements that should be possessed by the applicants. Therefore, in order to increase the possibility of getting accepted in the Department of Tourism learnership program, you need to prepare your applications carefully. Make sure that you have prepared the complete documents before sending the applications. They will take a look at your applicant’s first before testing your skills. You may also need to prepare the soft skills so that you can show them good performance based on requirements. One of the job vacancies that can be applied is the Tourist Guides. In order to apply for this job, there are several requirements such as having experience as a tour guide for about 2 – 3 years. If you have any experience with Chinese tourist, you will get more advantage. You can apply in here: APPLY TOURISM JOB

Another requirement is the age of the applicant should be in the range of 18  – 35 years old. You also need to send a motivational letter about the reasons why you are qualified to be a tour guide. The applicants can be submitted to the Department of Tourism. After document selection, you will be called to join the interview process. After being selected as the tour guides, the selected applicants will undergo training The program’s duration is about 2 months. You need to worry about the accommodation for the training. The government will prepare the transportation, meals, and accommodation. If you succeed in this training program, you need to sign a contract about your commitment as the full-time tour guide. Then, you will join the Mandarin Language Training. If you are successful in this language training, you can continue the journey as a tour guide.

If you want to get a job in the Department of Tourism leadership opportunity, you can join the internship programs for the implementation of fast-food services. This internship is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Tourism and AGB Finance. The purpose of this program is to give the qualifications of young candidates so that they can join the Hospitality Youth Training. There are 250 unemployed that can join this program. The requirements to join this program are having the NQF Level 3 and able to join the training programs for about 12 months.

By Phenomenal Stevo

By God's special grace, I(Phenomenal Stevo) am the engine brain behind this wonderful platform. I enjoy surfing the net and sharing vital information that adds value to humanity. playing instruments and drawing are also my hobbies. I also write on other successful and popular blogs.

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