SASSA Children’s Grants for February 2025 (three in total) are controlled by the South African Social Security Agency. Each month, billions in taxpayer money is set aside by the Department of Social Development (DSD) with the goal of assisting financially distressed families with minors in South Africa.
For anyone who is unfamiliar with how SASSA Children’s Grants for February 2025 work, there are currently three different government grants offered. But keep in mind that only one parent (if married) may claim a grant for a child. Plus, not all of them may be applicable to your child. With that said, let’s explore the latest happenings in SASSA Children’s Grants for February 2025 …
At last count, SASSA explained that approximately 13-million parents receive R530 SASSA Child Support each month. This stipend is the highest of any grant in South Africa, and it pays more and goes to more people than even R370 Social Relief of Distress (SRD). As a result, it is a rare feather in South Africa’s cap, as far as social welfare goes on the African continent
Nowhere else can a struggling parent put their newborn onto SASSA Children’s grants for February 2025 and let it run all the way to their 18th birthday. If a parent was to do so, that child would receive approximately R135 480 in support from the South African government. Keep in mind this (conservatively) factors in estimated grant increases of 5% per annum, which we believe will next take place in April 2025.
Nevertheless, SASSA still believes more can be done for young mothers with newborns. As a result, the agency made an urgent call last year for any mothers with newborns to urgently apply for a SASSA Child Support as soon as possible after birth. This will also ensure parents register their newborns with the Department of Home Affairs early.
Critical to gaining access to SASSA Children’s Grants for February 2025 is registering the birth with the Department of Home Affairs eHome. Many parents are not getting their newborn’s unabridged birth certificate and identification documents early enough, says the agency. And therefore not making themselves eligible for SASSA child support until such time.
However, when it comes to SASSA Children’s Grants for February 2025, three stipends will be paid on Thursday 6 February 2025. As mentioned, besides SASSA Child Support, there’s Foster Child and Childcare Dependency. To qualify you must pass the following means test for each:
- Earn less than R8 800 per month if you’re married (R105 600 annually).
- Earn less than R4 400 per month if you’re single (R52 800 annually).
Of course, you child must be under the age of 18. Also note that applications take up to three months to be processed, however, you will be back-paid to the date of application if successful.
After securing ID documents from Home Affairs, you can visit the SASSA service portal to make an appointment online. Do so before you visit a SASSA branch in-person and de sure to bring the following documents with you:
- Valid identity documents of both the applicant (child) and spouse (if married).
- Proof of marital status (marriage, birth or death certificate of your spouse).
- Official birth certificate and ID of the child you’re applying for support for.
- Proof of income (of both you and your spouse).
- An approved three-month bank statement (no more than three-months old).
- Proof of address (a utility statement with your name on it that’s not more the three-months old).
SASSA Children’s Grants for February 2025 also cater for mentally or physically disabled children and foster children. These do require additional paperwork though. A child must be declared disabled by a government-appointed doctor. Likewise, you are only eligible for the SASSA Foster Child grant if you are the rightful, court-appointed foster parent in accordance with the South African Child Care Act.
- R2 190 is paid for Childcare Dependency.
- R1 190 is paid for Foster Child.
The remaining grant dates till the next projected increase in April 2025 are:
- Thursday 6 February 2025.
- Thursday 6 March 2025.
Contact SASSA directly here:
- SASSA Toll-Free Call: 0800 60 10 11
- SASSA Head Office: 012 400 2322
- Email SASSA:
- Or email: